The World Poker Tour (WPT) has genuinely go a world poker tour. With nan merchandise of nan Season XXII 2nd half schedule, that connection has been proven existent moreover much so.
Two days aft Casey Sandretto vanished disconnected his tittle tally successful nan WPT Rolling Thunder Championship, nan iconic poker circuit revealed nan overmuch anticipated remaining events to tally successful nan fall, and they see tournaments each astir nan world, successful 4 abstracted continents.
Before nan 2nd half of nan schedule kicks off, there's still immoderate business to return attraction of this spring, starting pinch nan WPT Korea, which began connected Thursday. Next up will beryllium nan WPT Voyage, a cruise afloat of poker players partying and playing cards for a week. The pursuing stop, WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker Showdown April 18, takes spot successful Hollywood, Florida. And past 1 much Main Tour extremity earlier nan summertime — WPT Choctaw — originates May 3 successful Southern Oklahoma.
What's connected nan Second Half WPT Season XXII Schedule?
The 2nd half of nan World Poker Tour schedule will see visits to North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, and 8 different cities. At nan extremity of nan schedule, which you tin position below, nan circuit will big a 3rd consecutive WPT World Championship successful December astatine Wynn Las Vegas. Dates for that bid aren't yet out, nor is nan guarantee for nan $10,400 title event, which past twelvemonth featured nan first ever $40 cardinal guaranteed prize excavation successful poker history.
For now, location are 8 2nd half bid planned, and nan action originates June 20-24 pinch nan HKD 40,000 WPT Macau successful 1 of nan apical poker destinations successful nan world. Two months later — August 15 — nan WPT Prime circuit is heading to Taiwan for a TWD 33,000 main event.
Full WPT Second Half Schedule
WPT Macau | June 20-24 | HKD 40,000 |
WPT Prime Taiwan | Aug. 15-19 | TWD 33,000 |
WPT Prime UK | Sept. 12-16 | £1,100 |
WPT Australia | Sept. 20-25 | AUD $8,000 |
WPT Prime Liechtenstein | Sept. 26-30 | CHF 1,100 |
WPT Paris | Oct. 22-27 | £1,100 |
WPT bestbet Scramble | Nov. 15-20 | $5,000 |
WPT Seminole Hard Rock 'N' Roll Poker Open | Nov. 29-Dec 4 | $3,500 |
Then, from Sept. 12-16, Prime is flying to Europe for an arena successful nan United Kingdom. Poker is heading down nether Sept. 20-25 pinch a AUD $8,000 WPT Australia Main Tour event. Following WPT Prime Liechtenstein (Sept. 26-30), WPT Paris is nan 2nd extremity successful Europe.
The play will wrap up connected American soil, pinch 2 pre-WPT World Championship events scheduled, opening pinch nan WPT bestbet Scramble successful Jacksonville, a $5,000 buy-in tourney won by Frederic Normand past twelvemonth for $351,650.
For nan 2nd clip successful Season XXII, nan Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino will service arsenic a World Poker Tour extremity pinch nan $3,500 WPT Seminole Hard Rock 'N' Roll Poker Open from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4, starring correct into 1 of poker's biggest yearly events successful Las Vegas.
WPT World Poker Tour -
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World Poker Tour