One of nan premier and exclusive yearly pre-Super Bowl parties, hosted by legendary sports supplier Leigh Steinberg, will characteristic a poker tourney for nan first clip successful nan event's 37-year history.
World Series of Poker (WSOP) champion Jamie Gold has been selected by Steinberg to emcee nan poker festivities. PokerNews, on pinch galore A-list celebrities and athletes, will beryllium successful attendance Feb. 10 astatine Ahern Hotel conscionable down nan Las Vegas Strip. All proceeds from nan poker tourney will spell straight to nan Special Olympics.
Playing Poker for Charity

Steinberg is 1 of nan apical sports agents successful nan US, and whitethorn aliases whitethorn not person been nan ground for Jerry Maguire, a sports supplier played by Tom Cruise successful nan 1996 container agency hit, Jerry Maguire — rumor has it that he is.
For 36 years and counting, nan Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party has been a fixture of Super Bowl weekend. Only those who are personally invited by Steinberg, galore of whom will beryllium celebrities and superstar athletes, tin attend.
With nan Super Bowl taking spot successful Las Vegas this year, Steinberg wanted to incorporated a section theme. Hence, why there's going to beryllium a kindness poker tournament, on pinch galore different activities passim nan event. But not anyone tin play successful this poker game. Out of nan 3,000 aliases truthful invited guests, 100 tin participate nan tournament.
Every poker array will person astatine slightest 1 celebrity, and it costs a $1,500 aid positive $500 rebuys to get successful nan crippled for those who are VIP guests. There will beryllium galore valuable prizes up for grabs, including a luxury suite admittance astatine Allegiant Stadium.
Since prizes will beryllium won, nan big made judge to beryllium compliant pinch nan gaming committee and obtained nan due licenses. While individuals without a individual induce cannot attend, companies aliases professionals tin make a $25,000 sponsorship contribution, which includes institution branding astatine nan table, 9 spots for nan sponsor's guests successful nan poker game, a civilization poker array signed by Gold and Steinberg, and a $15,000 taxation deductible aid to nan Special Olympics.
Gold, who won nan 2006 WSOP Main Event for $12 million, will service arsenic nan co-host and was personally chosen by Steinberg to emcee nan event.
"Our Super Bowl statement has ever been nan Gold Standard for networking and narration building, gathering nan astir influential group from sports, entertainment, media and politics. While it's an invite-only affair, we person opened nan doorway to businesses who would for illustration to get successful connected nan action and pat into nan unparalleled networking opportunities of this event. Corporate sponsorships springiness your institution nan chance to big a group of guests aliases clients, and person your business recognized arsenic an charismatic partner of nan event. Get fresh to spell 'ALL IN.' We are gearing up for nan champion statement yet," Steinberg said.
Steinberg chooses a different kindness each twelvemonth pinch nan attraction connected encephalon health.
Who to Expect astatine nan Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party
The party, which originates astatine 1 p.m. connected Feb. 10, will person hundreds of celebrities successful attendance. While nan afloat database isn't publically available, we tin springiness you an thought of nan type of crowd that will beryllium astatine Ahern Hotel based connected erstwhile years.
In nan past, Steinberg has invited immoderate of nan biggest celebrities and superstar athletes successful nan world. The monolithic database of erstwhile attendees has included Kansas City Chiefs backmost Patrick Mahomes, erstwhile President Bill Clinton, NFL fable Emmitt Smith, and award-winning actors specified arsenic Michael J. Fox, Paul Rudd, Mark Wahlberg, and Jon Hamm.
Mahomes, Steinberg's client, is simply a apt attendee. Well, that is if nan Chiefs suffer connected Sunday to nan Baltimore Ravens successful nan AFC Championship Game. Otherwise, he'll beryllium a spot preoccupied preparing for nan Super Bowl.
Jamie Gold -
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Jamie Gold