Life Outside Poker: Farah Galfond on Days of Our Lives, Balancing Poker & Family

Trending 11 months ago

Life Outside Poker w/ Connor Richards is simply a caller podcast for PokerNews that focuses connected poker players pinch successful careers and lives extracurricular of poker.

For nan first episode, Connor Richards said pinch soap opera character and high-stakes poker subordinate Farah Fath Galfond, who talked astir her acting profession spanning much than a decade, first discovering poker successful Atlantic City and balancing poker pinch raising a family.

The Life Outside Poker podcast is disposable connected awesome streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeartRadio. You tin besides watch nan hourlong question and reply pinch Farah Galfond by heading to nan PokerNews YouTube channel.

Be judge to travel Farah Galfond and Connor Richards connected X.

Check Out nan Revamped PokerNews Podcast!

Time Stamps

 1:00Growing up successful Kentucky and early acting career
 4:35Days of Our Lives audition
 6:10Mimi Lockhart storylines
 7:48Losing yourself successful character
 10:30Deciding to time off Days of Our Lives
 13:15Moving to New York
 14:45First getting into poker
 15:43Playing poker successful Atlantic City
 17:50One Life canceled and moving backmost to LA
 18:48Seeing Phil connected High Stakes Poker
 19:20Connecting pinch Phil connected Twitter
 21:20Acting arsenic a craft
 27:25Learning from Phil
 30:24What benignant of begetter is Phil?
 32:50High stakes tenure, moving up to $2k/$4k
 34:25Balancing poker pinch being a mother
 36:10Transitioning to tournaments
 39:34Being numb to losing money
 40:25Making comeback successful Galfond Challenge
 43:02Differences betwixt Vegas, LA & Atlantic City poker scenes
 46:25Raising nan adjacent procreation of poker players
 49:00Living successful Vegas
 53:35Period of your life you get nostalgic for
 56:00Advice for your younger self
 57:24Something that makes you hopeful
 58:24Favorite life instruction from poker
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Source Poker News
Poker News